
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Half Elf Warlock WIP

Long time no post. Today I have a new character drawing from a DnD 5e game we just started playing. Our group is going through the Wizards campaign, Hoard of the Dragon Queen in which I'm playing a half elf warlock. I'm about half finished with the illustration that I started during our session.

I haven't started applying any real light source and only just threw on the colors with multiply/overlay layers so there's a lot of clean up and rendering to do!

Photoshop CS5 & Intuos 5

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

One Good Day

I finally finished this one up! It was a good exercise with color, light, and perspective.

Photoshop, Intuos 5

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Render, render, render

(once again) Update on the personal picture. This is always what I call the long and boring part. Not boring for me, of course, because it's a lot of work to add in all the details and rendering, but it's not super exciting for anyone else. Aside from adding a lot of detail and rendering, I shifted the subject over for a better composition. My next update on this one will include the finished, colored piece.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Cropping out the details

Update on my personal illustration! I realized that the whole image was getting way too busy when what I initially wanted was something simple to practice perspective and interesting color, so I cropped out a lot of the detail on the ground to the left.


Friday, April 11, 2014


This is an update on the sketch posed earlier in the week, and the start of a bigger personal piece.

Both done in Photoshop.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Jawbone Collar

March just flew by as I finished up a long running contract. Here's a little sketch I started in between working on those pieces (which I'll post about soon).

Done in Photoshop.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Armor Sets - Full Body

Here are the final armor designs and illustrations I worked on for Iron Wind Studios. Working on the final set of armor was a lot more fun since it was futuristic and didn't involve as much research and allowed more creative freedom.

Everything was done in Photoshop CS5.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Wood Elf Monk

I recently started playing an all online DnD game with some friends out of state. We are trying out the playtest rules for DnD Next, and so far it's a little strange getting used to (saving throws in particular) but I like it. I'm playing a wood elf monk and drew a quick portrait of her during our first session a couple weekends back.

Done in Photoshop CS5.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Armor Sets - Torso

Here are some more armor designs and illustrations I worked on last year for Iron Wind Studios.

And here are the illustrations.

All Photoshop. I have one last set to post.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Armor Sets - Helmet


Long time no post. I've been focusing a ton of time on a contract lately that should be wrapping up soon which will come with a ton of sketches. For now, I realized I never posted the sketches/illustrations for some freelancing I did with Iron Wind Studios last spring/summer. They produce rule books and miniatures for an original table top wargame system/setting. I worked on illustrations for their armor sets.

To start with, here are the three helmets' designs.

I had to do much more research to create these designs than usual, because I was very unfamiliar with military equipment in general. In the end, they turned out pretty believable even with my inexperience. Here are the illustrations.

Everything was done in Photoshop CS5. I'll post again soon with the other armor sets!